17t h December 2022, Aquarium,Grand Bale and Pamplemousses

A very busy day for us all especially Jason who did all the driving after a late night previously. Vicky and Jas organised the day for us.

We drove to the other side of the Waterfront and into the Aquarium at Port Louis. There were numerous fish including Sand sharks, tiger and white tipped sharks and some very strange looking ones. At the beginning there were some seahorses which I think are lovely and seem really unreal.

Our next trip was to head to the north coast at Grand Bale ( next to Mont Choisy where the golf tournament is being held at the moment.) We had lunch at the Bloom restaurant and then walked along to look at the Public Beach. It is a great shame that all the hotels have blocked off most of the coastline again and although the Public Beach is lovely it is also quite crowded. We asked Jas to drive along the coast road so that we could see a bit more and get a view of some of the off-shore islands. 

This part of Mauritius is quite “flat” in comparison to the rest of the west coast and central areas.

The last stop was at Pamplemousses detailed as a botanical garden and Vicky said that it has 500+ species of palm trees. It is famous for its huge lily pads but its attractions included huge tortoises, deer and lots of ducks. It is an ideal park to bring a picnic and wander about for as long as you want. Geoff didn’t come in and we left him sitting at the gate. 

We were about 1 hour away from home so it was time to leave and head back.

Tomorrow is a very early start for Geoff’s birthday fishing trip ( we might all go but I have yet to really decide.)


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