22nd and 23rd December 2022 Travelling home

Time to say a sad goodbye to Jas, Vicky and Juju something I hate doing as you never know when we will see them again, although Vicky is working on us meeting up in Taiwan in September when they hope to go back and celebrate her grandmother’s birthday.

We lazed about all day well some folk did as I had the packing to do and making sure we left our room OK.

We went back to the Bay for a 2.30pm lunch and the breeze from the ocean was quite strong, ideal for kite surfers though. Vicky, Jas and Juju came to the airport to see us off.

We are now sitting in the airport at 8.30pm having been to Duty Free. All the items are in Euros and as I had some we decided to spend them. The plane is due to leave at 11pm so a late night for us.

The journey to Dubai was uneventful and duty free no cheaper than at home so we didn’t buy any and took a leisurely walk to our gate as we weren’t in any rush this time. I managed to get enough Gifts on Pokemon for Thomas and Nicola to ensure that they have the postcards from this region. 

Our trip to Stansted proved to be quite eventful as even before we took off we were warned about 2 hours of turbulence and my word, it was very strong. The pilot requested a climb of 2000 meters to get us above it and the crew were ordered to take their seats. He did say that the rest of the journey would be calm, but NO, we hit another rough patch over Germany and again the crew had to sit and we were not allowed to have any hot drinks. Strangely enough I can almost cope with turbulence in daylight but not at night.

Dave met us at the airport and we were safely home by 2pm and Rose had warmed up the house and got out the milk and made us a loaf. We are lucky to have such good friends/ neighbours.

Miss you 3 + in Mauritius.


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